Brotherhood of the Bomb Cover Art
Cover Art Raquel Jaramillo
Content Copyright
Gregg Herken 2023

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Brotherhood of the Bomb:
The Tangled Lives and Loyalties of Robert Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence, and Edward Teller (Henry Holt and Co. 2002)

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[ NEW EVIDENCE: Website updated 2023 ]

Full version endnotes downloadable from the text. (Microsoft Word format) Copyright 2002, Gregg Herken. Not for resale or reproduction without written permission of the author. Hard copies may be obtained at cost from the National Security Archive, George Washington University, Gelman Library, 2130 H Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20037.

Notes Chapter 1

Notes Chapter 2

Notes Chapter 3

Notes Chapter 4

Notes Chapter 5

Notes Chapter 6

Notes Chapter 7

Notes Chapter 8

Notes Chapter 9

Notes Chapter 10

Notes Chapter 11

Notes Chapter 12

Notes Chapter 13

Notes Chapter 14

Notes Chapter 15

Notes Chapter 16

Notes Chapter 17

Notes Chapter 18

Notes Chapter 19

Notes Epilogue